Hong Kong protests and lasers
Since early June, an estimated 1 million people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong to protest a bill that would allow extraditions to China. To avoid identification, many of the Hong Kong protesters cover their faces. But according to a Washington Post story, some have also been shining high-powered lasers directly at surveillance cameras — a high-tech protest strategy intended to confuse facial recognition systems. Hong Kong protestors are on another level. Here they’re using lasers to avoid facial recognition cameras. A cyber war against Chinese artificial intelligence. Mainland Takeover The use of these lasers gives photos of the protests a surreal, science-fiction vibe — but what’s happening in Hong Kong right now is a chilling reality that could have a longterm impact. While the bill at the center of the protests is currently on hold, if it passed in the future, it would give Hong Kong the ability to transfer these lasers gives photos of the protests a surreal, science-f...